Wednesday 31 August 2011


I woke up with the birds this morning and thought "one week today"! The final countdown is now on and preparations are in full swing for our departure Round GB next week.  The only "helm" I am at this week is the one of the computer, as press releases, and literally hundreds of emails and letters are winging their way to inform the world of our trip and our very worthy fundraising cause.  The response has been immediate and so moving - lots of good wishes from both Australia and the UK, for which I am so grateful, and the donations are starting to come in for Dementia Care which is so exciting - thank you!   Leaving behind three horses, two dogs and a daughter at boarding school (she goes back the day before we leave) requires a certain amount of organisation, particularly when one of the dogs threatens with a health upset which saw me in the garden this morning in my dressing gown trying to get a urine sample with a table spoon - not easy!  I am actually looking forward to getting on board ConTTentment for a rest!  The long range weather forecast for our departure and first leg to Dartmouth next week looks awful.  Cyclone Irene in the US is having her final say over the Atlantic and causing some windy weather - not what we need.  We will be watching the weather forecast closely and checking we are taking the best possible route for the conditions we are likely to expect.  The tidal races off St Albans and Portland Bill will require a great deal of respect if conditions are unfriendly.  Luckily there a numerous ports of call en route so if it is too ghastly we can cut short the leg and take refuge in Poole or Weymouth.  Meanwhile, its back to sticking on stamps, packing school trunks and getting ourselves ready for the off.  Thank you all for your support - it means an awful lot to know I have your support and good wishes with us.

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